Florecer - Hidden Thoughts EP

Florecer steps up to the cultured Is It Balearic label with the sort of soothing downtempo sounds that are perfect for sunset moments with a quality drink. There is plenty of mellow and dreamy West Coast lushness to 'Hidden Thoughts' with its shimmering synths and seductive vocal coos while the first remix from Hitchhiker steps up the energy with an arp-ed sound. Das Complex gets dark and chugging as is his usual want on the flipside, then Cafe Del Mar resident Ken Fan offers a trademark chillout sound to close out another most calming EP from this great label.

Artist: Florecer
Title: Hidden Thoughts EP
Label: Is It Balearic?
Format: 12"

A1: Hidden Thoughts
A2: Hidden Thoughts (Hitchhiker remix)
B1: Hidden Thoughts (Das Komplex remix)
B2: Hidden Thoughts (Ken Fan remix)


入荷日: 2024年04月12日
販売価格 3,100円(税込)
型番 IIB075